Ofagsh ibn Ghibma the Boatswan
Gatne bint Resna the Porter
Ukhijl ibn Ihwur the Alewife
Ajubz ibn Ulsigh the Leacher
Babel ibn Kwikil the Glovemaker
Ubanz ibn Walba the Apothecarist
Kijho bint Ifolkh the Rugmaker
Unerd ibn Shokho the Ferryman
Okjor ibn Esath the Marshal
Bemeb ibn Thidonu the Grain Merchant
Esghug ibn Khighobi the Mummer
Fimewi bint Zighafe the Farmer
Shokwaj ibn Imitd the Mummer
Temwe bint Ghiwuje the Spurrier
Igobm ibn Kwahkhu the Drover
Orebkw ibn Tughju the Goldsmith
Akwson ibn Kwurshu the Cook
Esorw ibn Thurekw the Buckle Maker
Uthargh ibn Fitazi the Longshoreman
Johwe bint Isihkw the Teacher
Juthir ibn Ihighz the Scribe
Akwewth ibn Elzagh the Pearler
Ujraf ibn Nishak the Tanner
Daril ibn Shishathi the Barmaid
Ikwah ibn Tobwa the Roofer
Ashgig ibn Afinb the Arkwright
Obukwb ibn Kwumol the Boatman
Ribha bint Ehadw the Pie Seller
Egzus ibn Okwgum the Porter
Ninuju bint Hilusho the Judge
Fighufu bint Ugkah the Artist
Jotbi bint Ithitm the Hatmaker
Numkwu bint Kwasghu the Beach Comber
Aghozw ibn Dakwzi the Woodcutter
Josab ibn Rithadi the Laundress
Gidore bint Ghoshne the Ferrier
Okhild ibn Kwakwuk the Potter
Entekw ibn Gabosh the Sail Mender
Khithowu bint Ghekhfe the Bargeman
Fetthu bint Ojazm the Barmaid
Nethih ibn Foduth the Sail Maker
Yiwenu bint Zethja the Fishmonger
Bigase bint Telga the Mariner
Ughus ibn Duskhe the Ferrier
Khezni bint Rukwush the Alewife
Afmus ibn Bigowa the Sailor
Sunthi bint Gikhthi the Wainwright
Hakmi bint Akhebr the Miner
Nekhla bint Osofs the Furrier
Ewresh ibn Bashur the Deckhand